Friday, October 11, 2013

Wine and Cheese tonight

Join Joanne and Myself at Kokopelli's for an artist reception
at Kokopelli's in Swift Current.
1 244 First AVE. N.E.  Swift Current.

Classes and workshops

This year is rapidly coming to a conclusion. I have been given many beautiful life learning experiences  this year.  I have taught and experienced  workshops and instruction of art and energy work.   This coming year I will be offering more classes in many locations

Reiki, Art and Drumming, energy medicine and energy power centres that make up all aspects of us as physical and energy beings.  Awareness of our authentic self.

Art, Music, and energy medicine such as reiki are some of the modalities to break up dense energy that is hindering one from moving forward in life.

Look for new workshops and classes in the near future.

And, remember, wherever you are, there you go!
Beautiful Abundance


The Goddess arrives in Swift Current Saskatchewan

Tonight in Swift Current SK, at Kokopelli's
I will be speaking about the symbolism in my paintings on Friday Oct 11, and on Saturday I will be working on paintings at Joanne's beautiful store Kokopelli's purveyors of neat stuff!

Paintings will be for sale at the store!